Tire Swing, 2021, oil on wood panel, 18x18in.
March 21–April 29, 2023. Play is a pathway to connection, innovation, and renewal. We use play to sustain our creativity, build relationships, and cultivate a love of life. Play can be done in isolation or in groups. It means action in athletics, rehearsal, music, and drama; it is material to be animated. Play works with restrained rules, or it can be the act of breaking rules, the formula and pattern, or it can be experimental and adaptive. Play transcends age and species, occurring shortly after birth and is observed in animals of the earth and ocean. (Exhibition statement.)
The family cabin is an important part of my personal history. It offered a pause in the turmoil of life during the hot summer months on Lake Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The tire swing, made of recycled telephone poles and erected on the shoreline by Parks personnel, was the one of the first signals of summer.
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